Welcome to Healthy Choices.
Welcome to Healthy Choices.
My name is Sinead Daly and I have worked in Amsterdam as a licensed psychotherapist, hypnotherapist and counselor since 2012. I moved to Malaga in 2024, following the sun.
In Amsterdam I worked exclusively with expats for over a decade, supporting them through a wide variety of personal problems and life changes.
As a result of my own experience as an Irish emigrant adapting to new cultures, as well as hearing the stories of hundreds of my clients, I understand the specific challenges expat life can bring with it. At the same time, the experience of emigration often exacerbates older problems that may have felt less urgent while we remained in our home environment with a strong support system.
Because I appreciate how different people can be and how, even within a single therapy process, our needs can shift over time, I decided to become an integrative psychotherapist, so that I could use a wide range of methodologies to meet people where they are at, instead of a one size fits all approach.
I use interventions from psychodynamic therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, body-based therapy and hypnotherapy as well as drawing on methodologies from coaching and counselling.
A selection of issues I can help with include anxiety, isolation, burnout, low self-esteem, relationship problems, depression, grief, midlife crisis, emotional eating, bulimia, IBS, psychosomatic symptoms, chronic pain, addiction, existential crises, phobias, childhood trauma and stress.
Since my move to Malaga, Spain. I offer in-person sessions in my practice in the city, while also providing online therapy to clients all over the world, from the USA, Korea and Venezuela to Lebanon, Russia and Ireland.
So, whether you are based in Malaga or any other corner of the world, if you are looking for emotional support, I am here to help. Just fill in the contact form and I will reply within 24 hours.
Sinead Daly

Because the ‘ talking cure’ has been proven to help greatly in the release of behaviours and thought patterns that undermine ourselves , our work…
Because the rational mind cannot solve all our problems for us, in fact, sometimes the rational mind creates the problem by becoming neurotic…